We hope you are safe and well in your bubble. Our time is spent balancing family time (like many of you) and running our online store. Plump The Pillows is based in our home, we store and ship from here.
Our artisans are safe
While India is currently in lockdown we have been in touch with our artisan suppliers and thankfully, all are well so far.
What's next
Once lockdown is lifted we have a gorgeous delivery coming. You can look forward to new pillowcase designs and quilt top ups of sold out designs.
On arrival, we will check, wash and check again before we pop it up online. All the necessary health and safety protocols are followed to ensure our products are hygienic and safe for you to use in your home.
Fresh video: choosing a palm pillowcase
We get it, there are so many palms to choose from: with this new video I talk you through the pillowcase collection.
Stay well everyone, we can't wait to be chatting to our lovely customers at markets again, and of course you can reach out to us anytime via email or on social.