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Top 5 dark paint colours for your fence

Posted by Rebecca McDonald on

If your boundary fence is tired and you want to update it without making it a feature - paint it dark! A dark fence visually recedes ... BOOM- the surrounding plants or house will be the main event (not the old fence!). 

Here are my top 5 Resene paint colours to makeover your tired fence:

Resene Bokora Grey. This is such a goodie. A warm bown black, the slight hint of brown softens the black. 

Resene Double Foundry

Resene Foundry, or even darker - Double Foundry. This has a slight blue undertone, and nice and dark. This is popular for fences as it works with most exterior schemes. Really great with blue and grey based exterior schemes.

Resene Grey Friars

Resene Grey Friars. Grey Friars is one of the most popular roof colours in New Zealand, so if you have this roof - it's a no brainer to paint your fence this colour. This is a blue grey that is easy to work with. 

Resene Mondo

Resene Mondo. A dark brown with a green undertone. Great for updating older brown fences that have a lot of garden or if your house has a green undertone to the paint colour (like this recent project Resene Eighth Arrowtown on the exterior cladding). 

Resene Eighth Arrowtown and Resene Mondo
Resene Double Tapa

Resene Double Tapa - this is a greyed green, think mossy stone. Very natural and works if you have stone work on your home, or a green to your colour scheme.

All of these colours are ones you see in nature - so work in most situations. Remember - colour looks up to 2 shades lighter outside, so may appear lighter when painted than on your colour cards from the paint shop.  Happy painting! And as always, if you are overwhelmed choosing colour - book me in for a consult. Cheaper than buying the wrong colour paint!

top 5 dark fence paint colours resene